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The most popular residential type in Korea is apartments.

by 14dolphin2020 2023. 4. 4.

The most popular type of housing in Korea is apartments.

The most popular city in Korea is the capital city, Seoul.

Seoul has a lot of preferred job opportunities, so many people want to live in Seoul, but the housing prices in Seoul are not cheap.

As Korea itself is not a large country, and industries are developed in specific areas, apartments that can accommodate many households in a small area have become the most efficient way to provide a residential environment.

Additionally, apartment management is facilitated through management fees that all households bear. 

Apartment buildings have management offices that take care of tasks such as elevator maintenance, garbage sorting, and landscaping, so residents do not need to take care of them separately. 

This makes living in an apartment quite convenient.

Moreover, the interior of Korean apartments is generally similar, and the size is also relatively uniform. 

Therefore, owning an apartment can be evaluated as an asset that is easily tradable because the appearance of apartments is similar, and the valuation and transactions can be relatively easily compared to other assets.

Note that there are several apartment brands in Korea, and there are also popular brands that people prefer. 

Additionally, apartments in Seoul, especially in the Gangnam area, are expensive due to geographical factors. 

Even if an apartment looks old, its price can still be quite high.

Next time, I will talk about the deposit and rent system for apartments in Korea. Thank you.




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왜냐하면 아파트의 모습이 비슷하기 때문에, 가치 평가와 거래가 비교적 다른 자산 대비 쉽게 이뤄질 수 있지요.


참고로 한국의 아파트는 여러 브랜드가 있고, 선호하는 인기 브랜드도 있습니다.


참고로 서울의 아파트는 강남 지역이 비싸며, 이는 지리적 요건 때문에 그래요.


겉보기에는 낡은 아파트여도 가격은 상당히 비쌀 수 있어요.


다음에는 한국아파트의 전세와 월세 제도에 대해 이야기 해볼게요.








